Trips and Exchanges 交流


What better way to absorb a culture than to experience it first hand? We believe that trips and exchanges to mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong bring pupils’ learning to life. There are incredible opportunities to see the sights, use the language, interact with young people, eat the food, smell the smells and to spark new ideas and perceptions. 

Some of the recent opportunities pupils in our schools have experienced are:

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Jiading Youth Friendship Camp

In 2018, two pupils, one from George Watson’s College and one from Boroughmuir High School, represented the UK at this fourth camp of its kind. They had a brilliant time and made friendships with young people from all over the world. Click here to find out more.

Once again, two pupils from Swire partnership schools represented the UK at the Jiading International Friendship Camp in August 2019

“It was an incredible trip which was not only what I expected but more. I loved meeting people from all over the world, forming new friendships and learning about different cultures."



Let’s go!不上长城非好汉,走吧!


During October 2018 we were excited to take S3 pupils from Castlebrae Community High School and Tynecastle High school to Beijing. We are so grateful to the Swire Chinese Language Foundation for funding this potentially life-changing trip. Pupils in some of the other schools we work with will be going on exchanges to Hong Kong and Taiwan - fantastic opportunities to be immersed in another culture with a host family.



S2 Taiwan Exchange 台湾交流


Every year, S2 pupils at George Watson’s College have an exchange with peers in Taiwan, living with host families, going to school and generally immersing themselves in the whole experience.