Our continuing Chinese journey

An interview with 露西 in 2017

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What are you studying?

Chinese Advanced Higher, aged 18

When did you start learning Mandarin?

I started in the first year when I came to the schools, so I was about 12. 

Did you opt for it then or was it something you had to do?

We got a choice of 4 languages, so I decided to go for that one.

What made you choose Mandarin?

It was different to what I’d ever done before. I’d only done European languages…but I’m into art, so I was attracted to the characters and I just thought it would be more interesting and a bit more fun.

How do you find it in comparison to other languages you’ve studied?

I took French took, but I found it easier than French because I didn’t understand the French grammar very well at all, but every time I learned Chinese there was always something else you would learn…so it was more interesting for me.

If you had to choose one thing…

The connection of the characters and the culture. I find that quite interesting, and the phrases - they have idioms and these phrases you can’t understand if you just translated them into English. You have to know about the culture so then you learn the culture as well as the language.

Anything you’ve found more challenging?

Remembering how to write them all (the characters) and also listening out for tones, because it’s a tonal language that is difficult. Sometimes you get the wrong tone and it can confuse you but you just have to keep an ear out for it.

Have you been on any trips as part of your Mandarin learning?

Yes in S2 I went to Taiwan for an exchange. To go away and surround yourself in a language is the best way to learn, I think. 

What planning to do next?

Hopefully if I get the grades I’m going to Durham to do Chinese. 

What would you say to any new pupil who is considering doing a Chinese qualification rather than a different language?

Just go for it – it’s a challenge but it’s so worth-while, it’s so so good.  It’s unexpected and people find it really interesting when you talk to them about it. It’s a great skill to have, especially today.


Mandarin qualification: SQA Advanced Higher

Progression: Chinese at Durham University

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