China Trip: A Learning Process
本杰明 Holmes’ reflection on China Trip October 2019
when I was in the markets in Shanghai one day I found that could barter to a good price in Mandarin.
When I went to China with my school I discovered just how much I could understand, and how much they could understand me. I never thought that my pronunciation in Mandarin is any good but when I was in the markets in Shanghai one day I found that could barter to a good price in Mandarin. This has inspired me to try to improve my pronunciation and how much I can say in Chinese. Even before I got there I got an application form for a visa in which I learned some official written language. All the written language on street signs, for example, is written in Mandarin simplified, and so I could practice my reading skills just while walking around.
“I could practice my reading skills just while walking around.”
It was interesting to learn about the culture behind the language that I have been learning over the last three and a half years. There aren’t many lessons dedicated to the culture just because there isn’t any time for the teachers to teach it as well as all the language we have to learn in the short time available. Whilst in China, we saw many culturally enriching events such as a tea ceremony, and visited the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong in Tiananmen Square, the Ming Dynasty Tombs and the Forbidden City in Beijing. It is very interesting to find out about the rich culture that I had never heard of before. I think that it is important to know about these traditions to have a deeper understanding of the language.
万里长城 The Great Wall of China